
45. Copper-Catalyzed Cope-Type Hydroamination of Nd Olefins toward Cyclic Nitrones: Scope, Mechanism, and Enantioselective Process Development

Mengru Zhang, Shuang Liu, Hexin Li, Yajing Guo, Na Li, Meihui Guan, Haroon Mehfooz, Jinbo Zhao,* and Qian Zhang*

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44.Copper-catalyzed 1,3-aminoazidation of arylcyclopropanes: a facile access to 1,3-diamine derivatives


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43.Multicomponent Cyclopropane Synthesis Enabled by Cu-Catalyzed Cyclopropene Carbometalation with Organoboron Reagent: Enantioselective Modular Access to Polysubstituted 2-Arylcyclopropylamines

Zhanyu Li, Mengru Zhang, Yu Zhang, Shuang Liu, Jinbo Zhao,*, and Qian Zhang

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